FOCUSZART The Focusing Studio
A Place For Felt Arts
Fascilitated by Freda Blob
We make space for the arts in Focusing and Focusing-related fields of psychotherapy, counseling, education, community wellness, cultural creativity and mindfulness
We offer three pathways for engagement with person-centered and experiential Felt Arts: Expressive Arts Focusing, Arts To Focusing Joy and Creative Compassion
Introducing Freda Blob
Founding Director Freda Blob
Freda Blob is a Teaching Felt Arts Fascilitator and a Focusing Oriented Art Therapist with 30 years of experience as a focuser, clinician and adult educator. She is a Certifying Coordinator with The International Focusing Institute TIFI
Expressive Arts Focusing
We offer trauma-informed Expressive Arts Focusing ExAF for clinical and non-clinical settings online and in person
Arts To Focusing Joy
We teach you how to get access to Focusing Joy through help you make arts that get you unstuck
Creative Compassion
We offer self-paced learning, single-sessions and group sessions for Creative Compassion Practice for peace building