

Introduction to Expressive Arts Focusing Hands-on Methods: Finding Ground in Experiential Arts. Roots, Branches, and Wings Series with Pioneers and Master Teachers

April 19, 2024. Sponsored by the Focusing And Expressive Arts FOAT Institute


Focusing Oriented Therapy Conference TIFI 2023, November 2-5, 2023

The Fresh Urgency of Nowand the Transformational Power of Focusing-Oriented Therapy

Workshop Creative Compassion: Building Relational Empathy through Expressive Arts Focusing Activities

Freda Blob

More Conferences

  • 24. Congress of the German Association for Personcentered Psychotherapy and Counseling GwG, Erfurt GER, 14-16 June, 2024 Workshop: 'Color Talks: Learn From the Pioneers of the Person-centered and Experiential Creative Arts Therapies'


  • 5. Impulse Online Focusing Conference DFI 2024, Febr. 09-10, 2024 Workshop 'Creative Compassion: Empathy In the Space of Arts And Focusing' 


  • 15. International Conference IEATA 2023, July 14-16, 2023 Workshop 'Creative Compassion: Building Relational Empathy through Expressive Arts Focusing Activities'


  • 14. International Conference IEATA 2022, 01-16-2021 Workshop 'Into the More: Exploring the Transformative Potential of Expressive Avenues'


  • The International TIFI Focusing Conference 2016, July 20-24, 2016 Poster Session 'Care and Share: Focusing Oriented Ubuntu Repair. The Tübingen Community Wellness Focusing FOUR Project'


Videos on the Help For Helpers Youtube Channel

Help for Helpers is a free Focusing Support Group for to empower, hearten and encourage therapists, counselors, teachers and helpers of all kind

  • Video Creative Compassion, November 6, 2023 @CommEmpowerHelpForHelpers
  • Video Embodied Aesthetics for Wellbeing, February 7, 2022 @FocusingOrientedTherapies
  • Video Giving Sighs and Body Release: Attunement, December 2022 (adapted from Cathy Malchiodi) @CommEmpowerHelpForHelpers
  • Video New Beginnings: Attunement, April 26, 2021

Help for Helper's is run by Lynn Preston/Focusing-Oriented Relational Psychotherapy and team

Download the Embodied Aesthetics reader to video Februar 7, 2022 - with practice prompts

Embodied_ Aesthetics_for_Wellbeing_reader_and_prompts © FOCUSZART Freda Blob
PDF – 2,2 MB 120 downloads


Get informed how clients can take up space and speak for themelves with Expressive Arts Focusing

Read our chapter 'Saying no in presence: Setting limits through body sense’, published in Senses of Focusing vol. II (Kypriotakis and Moore, 2021, pp. 469-483)

With a Focusing and FOAT® based directive for healthy boundaries

Shortened version: Blob, Freda, Exploring Space In Presence with Creative Arts. In: The Art of Insight. Journal for the Association of Person-Centred Creative Arts, Volume 1, Issue 1, Jan. 2024, pp 34-39.

Foresight To Our New Article: Freda Blob, Expression Arts Focusing For Grounding

Coming to be published in: The Art of Insight. APCCA Journal, Volume 3. Release spring 2025

FOCUSZART The Focusing Studio - Presentations ©Element 5 Digital/Unsplash

Forward your skills. Commit to the creative field


We operate online from GER

FOCUSZART The Focusing Studio

Hirschauer Str. 50 | D-72070 Tübingen | 0049 1757228458 |

International Memberships TIFI, IAFOTs, IEATA, APCCA, PCE, EFA, BFA