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ExAF 1:1 Sessions

Expressive Arts Focusing in Clinical Settings

We offer two therapeutic pathways of Expressive Arts Focusing ExAF

  • Focusing-informed Art Therapy: Therapeutic artmaking from the body sense. Focusing is used to get started and to reflect the artwork
  • Focusing Therapy with the Creative and Expressive Arts: Focusing Oriented Psychotherapy FOT with intervals of expressing the Felt Sense through artmaking

We are happy to be there for you

Getting Relational in ExAF 1:1 Settings

ExAF activities are facilitated by the therapist but start from the body sense of the client/practitioner

Practitioners are experts of their own processing and direction of development. They are co-creative partners in finding out what therapeutic practices are most inducive for their moving forward

This working model is highly experiential and person-centred, and functions best with a wide range of methods being offered by the therapist to match individual needs

ExAF in Counseling, Coaching and Supervision

We offer two formats of non-clinical support for

  • finding life work balance: ExAF and Positive Art based Counseling for Existential Wellbeing
  • finding clarity in complex issues: ExAF based supervision for professionals in the helping fields


Additionally, we offer

We are happy to be there for you