Header © Mario Begollari/Unsplash


  • Want to improve your sense of selfregulation?
  • Reach out for new options in life?  
  • Need support for empowering action? 
  • Join our workshops and benefit from our expertise

©Dushawn Jovic/Unsplash/Unsplash

This is what you get:


  • Becoming alive
  • Finding safety, comfort and peace
  • Staying in focus
  • Releasing traum
  • Building resilience

Our Workshop are on demand

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Early Bird discount 5 Eur / workshop ticket

Your Body Is Making Your Art: Introduction To FOAT®

Sunday 2 - 5 pm CET ON DEMAND

Webinar, 4 teaching units, 38.00 EUR

Creating and processing from the body sense makes all the difference. Get in touch with your inner artist's voice and your body's inner wisdom. Expressing yourself from the body sense is deepening your sense of self. Your journey will be carried forward through FOAT® pathways. New kinds of experiencing will emerge from there

No previour knowledge or artistic skills required

Smash 'n Focus: Finding Your Healing Ground

Sunday 2 - 5 pm CET ON DEMAND

Webinar 4 teaching units, 38.00 EUR

We are going to do a SAFE guided process using Expressive Arts Focusing and Felt Art Journaling. We prepare our page with the sensory based technique of Cosmic Smash Booking® CSB (an easy to learn form of healing art journaling created by Kate Galler). We build ground to smash our bodily feelings artistically onto the page and unleash our inner artist. We encounter our embodied self and process difficult feelings through art making and body-art dialog

You will get a SAFE activity guide to encompass your practice

No artistic skills required. Focusing experience is helpful

Where To Find Creativity Within? Become Friends With Your Inner Critic

Sunday 2 - 5 pm CET ON DEMAND

Webinar 4 teaching units, 38.00 EUR

The Inner Critic is your inner artist's sibling. He/she is dwelling elsewhere than in your head. Blocking and playing unfair this part wants to be heard. Processing from Expressive Arts Focusing is enhancing a dialogue between the parts. Releasing body-based artwork makes both parts collaborate

Focusing experience is helpful 

Colour Sounds: Creating Symphonies Of Meaning

Sunday 2 - 5 pm CET ON DEMAND

Webinar, 4 teaching units, 38.00 EUR

We are going to take cutouts from professional Fine Art prints as reference and express our response in one-line drawings from Felt Sense. New lines and colors come from body-art conversation and sound exploration. What emerges from there is fresh and unique. Listening to the musical tones of colors, we are going to find soul symphony and meaning

No previor artistic skills required. Focusing is helpful

Colours Of Decision: Forwarding Decision Making With The Arts

Sunday 2 - 5 pm CET ON DEMAND

Webinar, 4 teaching units, 38.00 EUR 

Are you feeling confused? Are you suffering from self-doubts? Check out what is in the way. Allow your mind to pause and listen inside. Slow down while making arts and pendulate between Felt Sense, art work and issue of decision. Dialoging with the whole of it you will find colors guiding your way

No previour knowledge or artistic skills required

What Color Is Your Sky? Dreams, Creativity And Self-Expression

Sunday 2 - 5 pm CET ON DEMAND

Webinar, 4 teaching units, 38.00 EUR 

Daydreams are messengers. They speak of deep desires. How do we want to live? What do we long for? What changes are calling? Daydreams are maps of inner landscapes not yet explored. They call us to find new horizons

The language of colors is making daydreams visible. We can look at sketched down sceneries evolving. We are going to get a sense of felt messages revealing from what is unfolding from creative wisdom

No previour knowledge or artistic skills required

Along The Growing Edge: Explore The More Of ... Artistically

Sunday 2 - 5 pm CET ON DEMAND

Webinar 4 teaching units, 38.00 EUR

Behind every feeling is a More of to unfold. Focusing based Expressive Arts offer a safe container to explore artistic wholeness. Your inner source of growth has direct access to your creativity. Learn to trust your inner artist and your inner body's wisdom in art making. Something is to be found at the edge of the known and the unknown, coming with surprize

Focusing experience is helpful 

EARLY BIRD discount 5 Eur / workshop ticket